About teamorz

We specialize in collaborating with private sector businesses to contribute to the restoration of oyster reefs. Our approach involves deploying innovative Artificial Reef on behalf of our clients, facilitating their alignment with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) objectives. Our efforts are grounded in supporting the restoration of oyster reefs, thereby promoting sustainable marine ecosystems.

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Embrace Global Protocols

UN Sustainable Development Goals


SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Healthy oyster reefs serve as natural barriers, significantly diminishing wave impact and thereby shielding coastal communities from natural catastrophes such as storms and floods. Studies have indicated that without reefs, flood damages could surge by
91%, totaling USD 272 billion. Well-managed reefs, conversely, sustainably nourish
1.2 billion people.

SDG13: Climate Action Rising global temperatures trigger widespread coral bleaching events, devastating oyster reefs. Indeed, projections suggest that by 2050, half of all oyster reefs may vanish. By salvaging fragments and transplanting them onto teamorz’s 3D-printed
reef structures, oysters are granted a renewed opportunity to thrive and flourish into robust reefs.

SDG14: Life Below Water Oyster reefs harbor a quarter of marine biodiversity. teamorz’s 3D-printed reef structures provide sanctuary for marine organisms, fostering the establishment of thriving marine ecosystems. This fosters heightened biodiversity associated with
reefs, encompassing diverse fish and invertebrate species.

UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030


The United Nations has declared this decade as one focused on the restoration of ecosystems worldwide. Although oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface, marine ecosystems often receive less attention in restoration efforts. Central to this issue is the rapid loss of coral reefs, which have seen their global coverage halve within just half a decade.

Over half a billion people worldwide depend on coral reefs for food, income, and protection. Restoring coral reefs not only preserves the associated biodiversity but also the vital services they provide to humans, including coastline safeguarding, reef tourism, and potential medical treatments. Reef restoration enhances the resilience of both ecosystems and communities in the face of climate change.

Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

“Nature loss poses a significant risk to businesses, whereas shifting towards nature-positive investments presents opportunities. The market-led, science-based TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) framework enables companies and financial institutions to integrate considerations of nature into their decision-making processes.”

Archireef advocates for the active restoration of marine ecosystems. Our nature-positive solutions assist businesses in counteracting risks and threats stemming from the loss of nature.

What We Offer

We provide both private sector businesses and public entities with opportunities to restore and protect precious marine ecosystems. This is achieved through a combination of a deployment fee and an annual subscription, which assists our partners in reporting against the standards they value. We strongly advocate for public-private partnerships and are already active in this domain.

Furthermore, through Archireef Academy, we offer educational programs in Ocean Literacy for children, students, and professionals in the field.

Our Partners